遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA










6 - 8年级

GA中学, 以最纯粹的形式, is a series of moments that create opportunities for transformational experiences: sixth graders explore an author in-depth during their author study project; seventh graders travel to Boston; eighth graders immerse themselves in complex and detailed science fair projects. 学生 lead divisional morning meetings, ski together on Friday afternoons, and participate in 社区服务; advisees develop important relationships with their advisor and learn to become self-advocates who are active participants in their learning; 运动员 参与、防守和得分; 艺术家和演员 practice, perform and exhibit…the list could go on and on.

问一个 教师 member at vwin德赢娱乐 why he or she teaches in our 独立中学, you're liable to hear some form of this response: "I love the students, 他们的能量, 以及中学生活的实质." 问一个 GA 中学 student what he or she loves most about GA and the response most often is: "my teachers." What you find when you enter our halls are powerful student-teacher relationships that result in active, engaged learners who are immersed in the process of becoming independent, 自信, 富有同情心的, 合作和光荣的人类.



Lead Lab is a required seventh grade course that meets once a rotation during second semester. After learning about the qualities of a good leader and the importance of being a good follower, students work in small groups to support the needs of an organization in the local community.


The 1:1 tablet initiative provides our students with engaging access to the world and enhanced communication with their teachers. In addition to working on the tablets in every class and taking them home each night, students also take a 技术 course once per rotation.

At the end of her shadow day I asked my daughter how she felt, and the word she used was "uplifted."

I will never forget that, coming from a fifth-grader at the time. I knew then that GA was the right place for her.

In her two years here, she has taken advanced classes and even had a semester of straight A's. 她肯定在她该去的地方.





每年的12月6日, 中学 students recognize the founding of the school, 哪件事发生在1759年. 学生 sing the alma mater and take a class photo in the shape of the school's age using a drone.


Learning doesn't just take place in the classroom; yearly grade-level trips allow students to practice team-building and witness history come to life.


在五月底的一个星期五举行, 希腊的一天 is a day of class bonding where 中学 students compete as city-states in a series of mental and physical challenges.

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